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Leadership Development - 1 on 1 Coaching

50 min
150 Canadian dollars

Service Description

Everyone needs support, including leaders. Recent research demonstrates that learning occurs best in an environment free of fear, judgement or reprisal. Gail provides an environment of safety which enables you to explore and express openly. All sessions are customized and based on your real world experiences. In our conscious leadership coaching sessions, you will develop self awareness skills, learn to connect with the needs of others to build relationship trust and commitment. This work is based on the principles of Non Violent Communication (NVC), where leaders create an environment of psychological safety and cultivate cultures of belonging. Our focus is to support others through empathic listening by authentically caring about their needs and being an emotionally self regulated leader. This approach to leadership invites people to look in the mirror, open their hearts and identify historical patterns that may be affecting how they show up in their current work and home environments. The work is deep, and it assists you to access meaningful and lasting change. I work all over the world via phone or zoom. One on One 50-minute sessions: $120.00 US or $150 CAN.

Contact Details

GST: 835213257RT0001

648 26th Crescent, North Vancouver, BC, Canada

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